Hi, I am using a Pixhawk6C running 4.3.1 and MP1.3.79 in an Avios Grand Tundra fixed wing tractor plane. My Tx is a TX16S running EdgeTx 2.8.0. I have just completed installation and I am flying some first flights to test modes, manual, stabilise, autotune and auto (mission). On my first test of auto/mission mode (flight 4), the plane rotated and then turned sharp left and then flew a wide right hand arc seemingly in order to pass through waypoint 2 in such a way that when it left waypoint 2 its heading was well set up for waypoint 3…if I want a straight climb out from take off do I have to put waypoint 2 further away from runway or can I achieve a straight climb out some other way. The Mission Planner Plan seems to limit how far out I can place waypoint 2 using WP drag and drop on the map…
Also, am I right to interpret the airspeed plot as showing that the plane flies reasonably in airspeed range 8-13m/s? Note that I landed the plane manually but stalled at about 1.5 m altitude just before touch down…Log here
Dropbox - 24 4-12-2022 7-59-40 AM.bin - Simplify your life
and screenshot of waypoints on map in Mission Planner
Thanks, Richard