Quanum nova GPS problem

Hello !

I have quanum nova.

Mission planners me answering HIGH GPS HDOP . My gps does not find more than 6.satelit. . I have been in several locations , and nowhere finds more than 6 satellites.
What’s the problem?



Sorry for the spelling . Helping you with google translate :slight_smile:

hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor … Fly.html

RADIO: hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor … ouse_.html

I have adrupilot V3.2.1

RTL function works ok !

Loiter mode is problematic … quad is not stable . Probably the problem is too little GPS satellites. Not finding by more than 5-6 .

Mission planner reports: HIGH GPS HDOP

That sounds like a problem with the GPS module to me, not with the Copter software. Please contact Hobby King support about that.

This means that the GPS module can be broken?

But if it was broken, but would not find any satellites ?
So while RTL function works great .

Today I got a new GPS !

Now found 8 satellites.

But loiter mode , quad still bucking …
When the wind blows , the quad is very unstable .
Does anybody know what could be wrong ?

[quote=“lujz1”]Today I got a new GPS !

Now found 8 satellites.

But loiter mode , quad still bucking …
When the wind blows , the quad is very unstable .
Does anybody know what could be wrong ?[/quote]
