My plan for this VTOL build is quad with the two front motors tilting. It hovers well in Q modes but the motors don’t respond at all when used for forward motors. I first set it up as QuadX Tilt Rotor with 1 and 3 being used for forward flight. During transition it would begin an uncontrolled yaw with no considerable forward response to throttling up.
So I changed it to Q_Enable=0 and locked the front motors in the forward position. I changed Motor1 and Motor3 to Throttle (no change to physical connection) and they don’t respond at all. I tried changing all 4 to throttle and none of them respond at all.
Plane 4.5.7 (and tried 4.6.0-beta, same result)
Flight controller is CubeSolo (FMU3 target)
The carrier board has Servo1 - 4 connectors on the 4 corners of the board for the motors so I am using those channels.
The ESCs are also from a Solo and don’t seem to have a calibration function.
There are 3 additional PWM outputs available and when I connect a bl_heli_s ESC to Servo8 and set as Throttle it works fine and it can fly. Elevon servos on Servo 6 and 7 work fine. Just nothing is working on 1 thru 4 except lifting motors.