For the last couple of months I’ve been trying to track down the cause of a quad plane running 3.7.1 that spins (yaws) on takeoff. While this type of thing typically is related to hardware I’ve tried everything I can think of and really think that it’s not related to the build. Because I’m more familiar with Arducopter I started out flying it with the copter firmware and it actually takes off properly. So I’m at a real loss as to why I can’t get it to take off vertically with Arduplane.
Thanks Greg. I just got back from testing with those parameters and it didn’t make a difference. The plane still spins on takeoff. However, just to make sure I wasn’t going crazy I decided to load up Arducopter once again and take it for a spin. It worked fine although with the wings on, there was a large oscillation on the roll axis.
When I was loading copter I noticed what might be the problem. I’ve been running copter as an X frame even though the frame is a H configuration. I noticed today that the two are not interchangeable and that a H config requires different motor direction and ordering. If it’s the same in ArduPlane quad config then that’s where I’ve gone wrong.
I’ve been selecting a H frame in QuadPlane but the frame is wired as an X config. I don’t know if Arduplane requires the two to be different like Arducopter does but I would assume that they share code so maybe that’s been the issue all along.
Does the motor test in Mission Planner catch the difference between a H and X config? I’ve been running it whenever I change firmware and it’s always confirmed an X config even though I have a H config selected in Arduplane.
I’ve just come back from a second trip to the field today to test. Sure enough it was the frame type being set to H in
Ardudpilot causing the issue. I built the frame wired up as an X frame as I had no idea that the two different frame types required the motors to be wired in different directions. So mystery solved.