Quadcopter is Wobbling diagonally

Well, it seems we’ve all been trolled quite successfully.

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What do you mean? Is there any issue?. I am trying to make everything on my own. Update :- there is no issue in the wiring, the motors are vibrating due to less rigid material and as yuri told steps are not followed, so tommorow I am going to tune the drone and follow the steps and then update.

You can’t be serious. It would be foolish to fly anything in such a sorry state as that. That has to be the worst soldering I have ever seen. It is bound to fail.

Sir, we are students, don’t have money to buy expensive boards, so we diy our own things, I made my own frame with wood and aliminium.

Been there, done that - but the soldering on that makeshift power distribution board definitely needs improving. The ESC connections dont look so bad.

Nothing wrong with building with the materials at hand. Although aluminum is not generally a good choice; too heavy.