Quad randomly trying to throw itself into the earth. Compass/EKF Errors?

Going to preface this with my build. Lumineir 10 inch frame, SB F4 V3 50A stack, T-motor 2810 1100kv, 6S2P 6000mah li-ion, ELRS 900mhz (running mavlink-rc branch).

Not sure what the issue is as Im not great at analyzing logs, so I’ll post them here. Quad is tuned well I think for my first multirotor build. Flys great in stabilize, alt hold, and pos hold. I mean I can really rip this thing and it brakes very well when I let off the sticks.

HOWEVER. In certain flight conditions that I find hard to replicate I am getting some weird issues where the quad forgets how to fly, it pitches up violently and throws it self onto the ground, sometimes flipping and becoming very unstable leading to crashes. I don’t think its an RSSI issue since I can still put manual inputs in the sticks to try and guide it to the ground, but my gosh its terrifying. I will attach two logs, one has two crashes in it. The other is me flying around with no issues.

Any input would be appreciated.

Crashes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a0Mg8vRiD85mdcc1z55C3YAeJXNV5Y9c/view?usp=drive_link

Normal flight: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AKUfVweWAIE0lyM5xJrKt6JaPgQH8qCD/view?usp=drive_link

You need to make the files publicly accessible, GDrive blocks the download.

apologies should be fixed now,

update also happening in acro mode… EKF error then backflips onto the ground. Finally broke a prop…

Can you confirm that this is one of the incidents starting at around 11:44? That’s some major and unhealthy voltage drop. And that’s putting it nicely. How old is the battery? Do you have another battery to test against?

Is this your battery? If not, can you link to its specs please?

It lists a max continuous discharge of 30A, that would be way, way, way too little for what your ESCs can draw (4*50A). Let’s be really generous and assume it has a max burst discharge of 60A, that would STILL be way too little.

Its a brand new battery. I have a 4S on the way but no other 6S… The crash at 11:44 was not as violent as the one around the 8 minute mark. The drop in voltage is likely due to me punching the throttle to keep it in the air and away from a building.

Heres the file for the most recent crash in acro.

Acro Crash

Lumenier NAV 6000mAh 6S Lithium-Ion Battery - XT60 (getfpv.com) Also just as a heads up this mostly happening during normal stable flight, not while punching it. The 11:44 time stamp wasnt a crash but it started to lose control so I punched it and it recovered at the max height you see on the alt. graph. I then slowly brought it down to land

I think I found the issue… Pretty sure my VTX antenna is causing some major interference.

@Oli1 or anyone else, thoughts on this portion of the log?