Pixhawk 2.4.6 with Arducopter 3.2.1 loaded with Mission Planner
The two motors on the left is spinning faster than the two on the right resulting in the quadcopter flipping over to the right on take-off.
I have done the following:
- Tested all motors and ESC’s
- Swopped out the motors and ESC’s
- Checked motor layout (top right = 1, bottom right = 4, bottom left = 2, top left = 3)
- Checked motors are spinning in the correct direction
- Checked props are correct
- Reloaded Arducopter
- Calibrated ESC’s (one by one and all together with Pixhawk)
- Calibrated the Radio
- Calibrated compass and accelerometer
- Did the motor test
- Check that the quadcopter is level on Mission planner
- I have two Pixhawk both doing the same (they are brand new)
- Using it with a s.bus receiver
I have attached the log file can anyone help me with this problem. (cannot file lager than 2mb)