Im getin ready for a QAUTOTUNE flight (for a quadplane), and I understand the recommendation given:
“position hold support while tuning. If you enter QAUTOTUNE mode from QLOITER then it will use a loose position hold, preventing wind from carrying it away while tuning.” https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/qautotune-mode.html

Yet Im a bit confuse when I read a bit mode in depth about AUTOTUNING in the COPTER documentation:
" 1. Take off and put the copter into AltHold mode at a comfortable altitude."

The LOITER mode for copter is never mentioned in the documentation nor other sources Ive looked. I guess what Im asking is if there is any benefit in doing a QAUTOTUNING with QAltHold or QSTABILIZED modes rather than QLOITER. In the mean time Im planing doing it with QLOITER but is strange that it is only mentioned in the QPLANE documentation only.

Cheers and sorry for bad english

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Hi @Bernardoualidrones according to experience guys, QHOVER is better than QLoiter before Autotune… But there should be no wind (calm day) to do Autotune…

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Thanks, we did that and everything went well.

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