Hello everyone.
Since the Raspberry pi 4 is way more beefier than previous models, Is there a chance that the developers of QGC will ever compile a working QGC version for Raspbian?
Hello everyone.
Since the Raspberry pi 4 is way more beefier than previous models, Is there a chance that the developers of QGC will ever compile a working QGC version for Raspbian?
Not really. There just aren’t resources to support that. The existing rpi stuff was done by a contributor. If someone wants to contribute it then fine. But doubtful the main QGC devs (which are mostly just me for something like this) will ever do it themselves.
Hi Don.
Well that is a bit if a pity as there are an increasing number of people looking for this solution. I know the OpenHD guys are looking into this as well.
I tried to compile it for the Pi but never succeed. I asked for help from PiApps’s devs but they ended up with some missing dependecies.
Maybe if we try all together ?
It would be nice to have QGC on a Pi as an ultra portable control station !
I have Qgroundcontrol running on the raspberry pi 4 with Manjaro linux 64 bits, it works perfect,
With Manjaro linux everything works normal in Qgroundcontrol.
raspberry pi with only 4GB looks like a normal computer and that Qgroundcontrol recommends 8GB
Thanks for the answer.
How did you do ? Did you compile it for ARM device ?
give me time to reorder the steps so that you can install qgroundcontrol in manjaro
Hello kero. Have you had any success re-arranging the steps yet?
I think its better to choose a x86 sbc and install either ubuntu or windows to run qgc
I am going to try out the Windows on Raspberry pi project. Just need to get a 4 gig pi 4
Yup going to try the same
Answering to yourself?
I tried this, but on running, the terminal gives lots of errors: no aarch architecture. I found in the app’s descriptiion “x86” so there is no aarch version in the Aur now. Do you have an appimage that works?
I tried this method but got the error: no aarch architecture. The downloaded Aur files qre for x86 in the description. How do you make it work? Thx!
Please install:
Server = https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/arch4edu/$arch
Here qgroundcontrol arm
Please install:
Server = https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/arch4edu/$arch
Here qgroundcontrol arm64
Please install:
Server = https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/arch4edu/$arch
Here qgroundcontrol arm
I have installed a QGC in rpi4 with latest rasbian OS.
it is lucky rpi4’s qt is 5.15.2.
After building the code, it runs well but I could connect a pixhawk4 in usb or sik radio.
I will retry. And I will post more formly.
install QGC on RPI.pdf (42.2 KB)
Edit: Connection - Application settings > Comm Links > Type: Serial / Serial Port: ttyUSB0(dependent on your systems) / Baud Rate: 57600 using sik radio.
maybe it needs(?) : sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
Hi Jorge,
links above are invalid now.