I am trying to run a script for dropping a payload on a specific point for the 2014 OBC
I am not sure however is MP is a proper interpreter and will work with the following.
Can anybody give me an idea if whether this code will run OK? Specifically will it recognise the
if name == ‘main’: line
import sys
from math import*
import clr
import time
import MissionPlanner
clr.AddReference(“MissionPlanner.Utilities”) # includes the Utilities class
def gps_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
’’'return distance between two points in meters,
coordinates are in degrees
thanks to movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html’’'
from math import radians, cos, sin, sqrt, atan2
lat1 = radians(lat1)
lat2 = radians(lat2)
lon1 = radians(lon1)
lon2 = radians(lon2)
dLat = lat2 - lat1
dLon = lon2 - lon1
a = sin(0.5*dLat)**2 + sin(0.5*dLon)**2 * cos(lat1) * cos(lat2)
c = 2.0 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1.0-a))
return radius_of_earth * c
if name == ‘main’:
# main program
######Mission variables######
dist_tolerance = 15 #(m)
ber_tolerance = 45 #heading tolerance
waypoint = 1 #desired Waypoint
######Time delays (ms)######
servo_delay = 50 #To be experimentally found
comm_delay = 50 #To be experimentally found
######Other constants######
payload_servo = 7 #5-8
gravity = 9.81
target = (-xx.xxxxxxxxxxx, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) # gps pos of target in degrees
time.sleep(5) # wait 10 seconds before starting
print 'Starting Mission'
Script.ChangeMode("Guided") # changes mode to "Guided"
item = MissionPlanner.Utilities.Locationwp() # creating waypoint
alt = 60.000000 # altitude value
MissionPlanner.Utilities.Locationwp.lat.SetValue(item,target[0]) # sets latitude
MissionPlanner.Utilities.Locationwp.lng.SetValue(item,target[1]) # sets longitude
MissionPlanner.Utilities.Locationwp.alt.SetValue(item,alt) # sets altitude
print 'Drop zone set'
MAV.setGuidedModeWP(item) # tells UAV "go to" the set lat/long @ alt
print 'Going to DZ'
Good = True
while Good == True:
ground_speed = cs.groundspeed
alt = cs.alt
wp_dist = gps_distance(cs.lat ,cs.lng, math.radians(target[0]), math.radians(target[1]))
print distance
ber_error = cs.ber_error
fall_time = ((2 * alt) / gravity) ** (0.5)
fall_dist = ground_speed * fall_time
release_time = fall_time + (servo_delay/1000) + (comm_delay/1000)
release_dist = release_time * ground_speed
if (math.fabs(release_dist - wp_dist) <= dist_tolerance):
if (math.fabs(ber_error) <= ber_tolerance):
######Payload Release######
print 'Bombs away!'
print 'Heading outside of threshold, go around!'
Good = False
print 'Outside of threshold!'
time.sleep (1.0) #sleep for a second
#Broken out of the loop as Bearing was not right
print 'Bearing was out of tolerance for the Drop - Start run again'