Px4flow with Pixhawk 2 and Copter 3.5

Is anyone able to get a px4flow working with the pixhawk 2? I’ve begun transitioning to a pixhawk 2 from a pixhawk 1 and ran into a few issues. I had the px4flow successfully working with the pixhawk 1.

I’m having trouble getting it to work with Copter 3.5. I had some success by jumping back to Copter 3.4.6, but then I get bad gyro readings. So I’m caught between having a bad gyro or no optical flow.

I’m using a pixhawk 2 and accessing the I2C port off the GPS connector pins. My frame is an octorotor.

Hi Theire, got the same Problem! Pixhawk1 all good, Pixhawk2 same Problems as above. No One an Idea?