PX4 Optical Flow Kit errors


I have a HobbyKings S500 QUADCOPTER and just brought a PX4 Optical Flow Kit and i encounter some problems with it. This is the product :

I am using ArduCopter 3.3 (don’t know what RC, maybe the lastest)

I encounter a dozens of problems :

  1. When i am running the DRONE from the battery i see no optical flow in dataflash logs at all.

  2. When i am running the DRONE from the battery sometimes i see BAD GYRO HEALTH error and can’t ARM because of this, sometimes not.

  3. When i am running from USB, i can see OF logs in dataflash logs, but the EKF5.meaRng is just a flat line, even though i change the height of the drone, i see nothing. If the sonar was working i should see a more precise ALTITUDE, right?

  4. When i am running from USB, i see “Bad LiDAR Health” and in QgroundController i see “pre arm check range finder” errors

DATAFASH LOG 1 (when i have the usb connected)

DATAFLASH LOG 2 (when i give current from the battery)

I also had to change FLOW_ORIENT_YAW from 0 to -9000 in order to calibrate the sensor.

I have updated the firmware of PX4FLOW using the px4flow-klt-06Dec2014.px4 file (found here http://ardupilot.com/downloads/?did=118) where some says that is the best.

How it looks like now when running from USB :
[IMG1] IMU.GyrX with FlowX and BodyX

[IMG2] IMU.GyrY with FlowY and BodyY

[IMG3] EFK5.meaRng

Other images :

The dataflash logs are just tests, i was not flying drone, just moving it around from hand.

Optical Flow discussion thread - Discussions - diydrones (Goro Senzai post)

Any ideea? Please.
