PX4 on SkyViper?

Are there any plans to port PX4/Dronecode to the Sky-Viper? Ik know this is designed for ArduCopter, but they both run on most of the hardware platforms.
It would be very useful if it could run both, for a very clear comparison.

What FMU version is it?
The processor is the same as FMUv2 so i’m guessing it’s that, or a similar custom one.


I think it will be better to ask that on px4 discuss (http://discuss.px4.io/) as developpers here don’t often use/code for px4.

Thank you for the tip. I’ll do that.

There are a lot of people with deep knowledge of both that reply here, and this seems to be the more active forum. That’s why i chose to put it here.
Also, the FMU version question is independent form the software.

Nando, FMU version is v3.

Note also, besides what Khancyr said, that both hardware and software was the result of deep and close collaboration between Ardupilot and Ardupilot partner SkyRocket. So while technically possible without such collaboration, a PX4 port would most likely require SkyRocket participation too to be successful.