PX4 - FMU+IO with APM firm. | How plug the GPS and Telemetry

Hello everyone,

I fly today with PX4 - FMU + IO with APM firmware.
So I’ve no problem with that.

my config :

[]PX4 FMU with the APM firmware uploaded with Qupdate
]PX4 IO with also the firmware uploaded with Qupdate in the SD card
[]FrSky D4R-II (well flashed)
[*]Telemetry XBEE 900

My Question : How plug the GPS and Telemetry

I’m asking if I need to remap the cable GPS and Telemetry ?

So Do I need to remap my Telemetry from UART1 to UART 2 | and GPS UART 6 to UART1 ?

Any Help Appreciated


[color=#0000FF]GPS -> FMU
XBEE -> UART 5 PX4IO[/color]