This is a comparison of proximity radar traces captured in real time while flying, and captured later from the .tlog file: it seems difficult or impossible to observe radar proximity traces in real time, but they appear as expected when playing the .tlog file.
(Left: real time capture (female voice); right: .tlog file capture (male voice)).
The hexacopter has a rangefinder pointing downwards and other pointing forwards. The mission makes the hexacopter go to a waypoint, and is rotated CCW repeatedly around it with four ROI waypoints oriented NWSE from it. At four instants of the mission (see video index) an object is placed in front of the forwards pointing rangefinder, which makes appear a trace on the proximity radar.
For example, at t=2m7s:
Seen from an external camera:
(PIP from the .tlog capture)
MP build 1.3.8209.12845 (or that in 20220626)