Hi All,
Just a, hopeful, comment, and help, on an old controversy!
The props in V props out!
I watched the MANY videos on the subject from the normal Gurus!
I’m not a racer, mainly freestyle!
Just for the fun, and that’s what the hobby is about, I tried one of my 5" quads with props out!
I normally set up with BetaflightX in the frame select.
Using BLHeli I switched the motor directions!
Testing the poor quad it spun in YAW at a reasonably fast rate, ah the fun!
In Betaflight there is an obvious option to tell the FC that the motor direction has been changed!
I looked high and low but could not see any reference to this in the Arducopter wiki!
By sheer luck I noticed a remark in one of the contributors to this forum that mentioned BetaflightXreveresed! This solved the twist and the quad behaved as exspected.
If this helps others to experiment then good.
What I noticed was a a much low noise level, and it appeared more responsive but this was only when playing around in local hover.