Proper Radio Failsafe Settings

I’m getting my plane and quads finally set again and have a question regarding the radio failsafe.
When I do the normal failsafe setting in Mission Planner, I have my throttle go to the right pulsewidth value and that works just fine an d the mode shows it going into RTL like I set. Should I also have my receiver failsafe set such that my mode switch also goes to RTL? It seems like it’s redundant and maybe not necessary but since I’m setting everything up on my vehicles right now, I might as well be consistent with all of them.

The failsafe is setted on the receiver only. But there are two way to do it :

  1. use the transmitter, and so, this transmitter will transmit the failsafe param to the receiver
  2. use the receiver

In the first case, the transmitter is just an human interface to set the failsafe on the receiver. So, when you parameter the failsafe on the transmitter, actually you do it on the receiver.

Which TX are you using ?


You’re right. I should have said I was setting the failsafe on my receivers and need to know if I need to set the throttle channel and mode switch channel.

I’m using a Taranis and a X6R on one quad, an X8R on the plane, and D4R-II on another quad. The quads are running Pixhawk and the plane and APM 2.5.

I found in the Copter manual that it’s generally safer to set the mode switch to also go into RTL upon receiver failsafe so I set them all up that way.

No you do not need to set the mode switch. The APM will do change mode automatically.
Be careful, you must deactivate the failsafe on the TX. Do not use the TX failsafe, it can parasitize the APM failsafe, that’s why they say it is safer to set the mode switch to also go into RTL.

No you do not need to set the mode switch. The APM will do change mode automatically.
Be careful, you must deactivate the failsafe on the TX. Do not use the TX failsafe, it can parasitize the APM failsafe, that’s why they say it is safer to set the mode switch to also go into RTL.[/quote]

You have to use the transmitter failsafe though if you’re using the throttle failsafe function don’t you? Why do you need to turn it off if it’s needed for that purpose?

I found in the Copter manual that it’s generally safer to set the mode switch to also go into RTL

Where did you read that?

We do not recommend that.

Please set your vehicle up using the throttle failsafe only.

In Auto mode what is recommended? Should, when planning for autonomous flight, always try to keep the copter within range of the transmitter so in the case of loss of control you could take back control?

It depends on what you have planned for the mission. … THR_ENABLE

0 Disabled
1 Enabled always RTL
2 Enabled Continue with Mission in Auto Mode
3 Enabled always LAND

If you expect your mission to go beyond the range of your transmitter then you would select 2.
If you expect your mission to stay within the range of your transmitter then you could select 1 or 3.

[quote=“Craig3DR”]>>>I found in the Copter manual that it’s generally safer to set the mode switch to also go into RTL

Where did you read that?

We do not recommend that.

Please set your vehicle up using the throttle failsafe only.[/quote]


It’s right there in that link you sent about half way down. I assumed you wouldn’t need to set the mode switch to RTL as well but this is what made me wonder what is the best way.

"Warning to FRSky receiver users and users of other receivers that modify channel 5 during a failsafe event

Some FRSky tx/rx systems receivers can only be set-up to modify all channels including the flight mode channel (channel 5) when a failsafe event occurs. For these receivers it is important to setup the receiver’s channel 5 failsafe value so that the APM is switched into RTL, Loiter or LAND. This is critical because there is a very short period of time (3/50ths of a second) between when the receiver pulls the throttle low and when the APM initiates the RTL or LAND. During this time, if the receiver also switches the flight mode channel to stabilize or acro the APM may switch to stabilize momentarily and then because the copter is in stabilize with throttle at zero it will disarm the copter (i.e. Test #2)."

I’m using a FrSky X6R, X8R, and D4R-II on my Pixhawk and APM powered machines. Considering the IRIS ships with a D4R-II and is one of the quads I fly, I wondered what is the best course of action given what’s in the manual. I am able to set the failsafe for each channel on those receivers I listed so I assume that probably doesn’t apply for my case but it is a bit confusing and may be better to specify which receivers or line of receivers (e.g., V, D, X series) this note is for.

Any clarification about it would be great so I can remove that failsafe setting for the mode switch.

We should change that text to be clearer.

This is correct: “Some FRSky tx/rx systems receivers can only be set-up to modify all channels including the flight mode channel (channel 5) when a failsafe event occurs.”

But the FrSky D4R-II that ship with the Iris and the RTF units are programmed to NOT modify CH5.

Please reference the video earlier in the page about setting up the D4R II

Yes, I understand that the D4R-II doesn’t modify CH5 so that is fine. Is there a line of FrSky receivers that does? I assume the X series does not because I can set each channel individually from my radio and I see that each goes to their respective positions just fine.
Does that mean that other D series or V series receivers are problematic instead? That generic blanket statement (aside from a video for one specific receiver on the IRIS) makes someone cautious like me set all my receivers to have the receiver failsafe so the throttle goes low to trigger RTL but also set my Mode to RTL, which is wrong. A little more clarification for the future would be helpful for anyone else that comes across it.

I believe all of them can be programmed that way but they can also be programmed to drop the outputs to 0 as the video shows.

Ah, I see what you mean now. Thanks for the clarification.