Prop nuts

Hi peeps

I know this might be a bit of topic for forum but wanted to see what views everyone has

I’m new to the rc stuff and have a issue with keeping props onto motors somehow

Is it OK to swap the domed nuts with normal nylon locking nuts ?

Yesterday I went on a test flight and didn’t even get off the ground due to a nut coming loose and flying off as the thing just lifted off. Lucky escape I must say


I swapped mine for nyloc’s a long time ago.

I had a 450 size quad with a KK2.0 FC and one of those dome nuts undid itself mid flight, ever since then I’ve used nyloc nuts as they work.
That’s on prop adapter’s that bolt on to the motor bell rather than the compression fittings that grip on to the motor shaft. Compression fittings were something else I wasn’t keen on and got rid of.

Have you got any pictures of your setup?

I’m running the f450 frame too with dji 920kva motors and 1045 props.

I’m gonna have a look see if I can get some nylon locking nuts from work tomorrow.


Consider also that your props are spinning in two opposite directions. But most prop nuts only tighten (and loosen) in a single direction.

Result is that two of your props are constantly trying to loosen their nuts, and two are constantly tightening their nuts.

Unfortunately, prop nuts/adapters that come in clockwise-tightening and also counter-clockwise tightening pairs are not common. This is an ongoing sore point with some users.

But you can find them, and they might save your rig one day.

I had two prop flyaway-caused crashes in the early days. None after I bonded the compression adaptors to the motor shafts with Loctite (removable with heat if necessary, but rarely necessary).

I now use bolt-on props whenever possible, as Mark suggested. Saves weight, too.

But I still have ‘legacy’ gear.

You can also get adapters with set screws instead of compression-style. Combined with grinding a flat space on the motor shaft, and Loctite, you’re probably ok.
