Problems with gps2

Hello, I’m coming again with several problems I’m dealing with since 2-3 days :confused:

I’m using a reach m+ emlid for gps, so i can only plug it to gps2 port.
It’s on a carrier board with yellow cube.

I set up everything for the M+ to send position to his S1 port, nmea, 38400 baud
I understand gps2 port = serial4 port in ardupilot, so the set up is protocol = 5, type = nmea, options =0…

And I still have no GPS.

I check all “GPS” parameters all seem good to me…

here is params

Please help
Thank you

Set the following:

You have your autopilot configured to look for two GPS modules, but you only have one connected.

Thank you but still no GPS…

First, connect the GPS receiver to the computer and check the receipt of nmea data in any terminal.


Looks like the default Emlid baud rate is 57600, so unless you specifically changed it to 38400, set SERIAL4_BAUD,57.

You must reboot for these parameters to take effect.

Double check your wiring. GPS TX needs to go to autopilot RX, and GPS RX to autopilot TX. This is a common error.

Hi it’s working now it was the wrong cable. Be careful if some one have the same problem, pinout of the emlid is not the same as pixhawk