Problems with Circle mode

I am still learning Ardupilot but I have a problem with circle mode in version 3.2.1 on my APM 2.8 flight controller. I have circle mode configured for a 762cm radius circle, that is 25 feet. When I select circle mode it starts the circle, and within a very short distance it goes into RTL mode and returns to the launch coordinates. What do I need to look for in the logs so I can attempt to diagnose this problem? As I said, I am new to all of this and trying hard to learn all I can.

Have never tried circle mode, but 762mm is 2.5 feet. The units for 3.2 on are in cm, so this would be close enough to 25 feet. Best check your log.

I meant cm, I just edited the original post to correct it. I have read the circle-mode.html document. I will check the things mentioned in there and check my log for today.