Problems with Holybro Tekko32 F4 45A ESC BLHeli32


i am currently a little disappointed in these Holybro ESCs. What do you think about it?

Current problem: A quite new ESC is just not outputting any Telemetry (Dshot non-bd). Not sure if this was always the case.
I had a look with the oscilloscope and multimeter: The connection on the PCB is ok up to the main processor.
The pullup to 3V works fine. But there is no signal.
I also verified the flash and reflashed the blheli32 software without luck. 3 other ESCs work just fine with the same setup. Any ideas?

With another of these ESC we had a problem previously that it fried two of our CAN nodes (first one, then the second) because of some high voltage on a signal cable where it wasn’t supposed to be.

Thank you!

Usually Auto Telemetry would be OFF when using DSHOT

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Hi, perfect!!

that already helps half way.
Now i only get messages from one esc.
Not surprising. RTFM would have helped. I just assumed “Auto telemetry” means it automatically detects the protocol. Instead it automatically sends telemetry by itself. → this explains why we got data from one esc for both.

No i just have to find out why one esc does not send any telemetry.


Maybe list your exact flight controller and param file.
The parameters can easily be saved to a file from the full paramater list in MissionPlanner

Yes. i will go through it now one more time before. maybe a misconfig.
On the other hand the esc did not send any telemetry (any data) even with auto telemetry on. (Oscilloscope)

OK. I know it is not Ardupilot or the CAN Node.
If i switch the escs pins, then the same ESC does not give telemetry although it is on the other channel.
→ Output of the Dshot signls is correct on both channels
→ Input works and it is the same pin for both esc…
edit: and everything works fine with another ESC…

In combination with the auto telemetry not working i am very confident that this is a ESC Problem with probably the Telemetry pin not working.

I might try BDshot to verify if the software works. Maybe these Artery chips on the ESC are so bad quality? Would have prefered stm…