Problem with throttle in cc3d revo

Hello everyone. I’ve been using Mission planner (ArduRoverv4.2.3) for a few days. I’m using it to make a trolling motor move. My goal is to use the loiter mode. I’m using a CC3D revo fc. I’ve set all the appropriate settings (frame, radio, accel, compass, etc …) Everything seems to work, including gps coverage). Unfortunately, in manual mode, the steering (CH1, output 1 CC3D) responds to the command but the throttle (CH3, output 3 CC3D) does not turn the prop, even when armed. I use two bipolar ESCs. If anyone can help me I thank him very much.

my 2 cents worth thought: throttle is very sensitive and might not arm if the ESC is not calibrated. Are you sure its armed? can you see the throttle output data change on the ground control station when you move the throttle?

Thank you karl for your kind reply. Yes, I see the throttle output data change on the ground control station but no signal seems to be getting to the esc. To test, I reversed the thtottle with the steering and the propeller turns. So the esc definitely works.

Thats good news. Try just to remap the channels in the setup. Dont remember what command it is but searcdh map or mapping.

I changed the RCMAP THROTTLE in the parameter list but nothing changed. It seems that the FC does not allow the signal to come out. Only if I map it as steering can I get the prop to turn. I don’t know where to hit my head anymore.

Are there any warnings when you try to arm it?

Later I Will try again. One thing. It I try to force the arm with Mission planner (USB) should the throttle move even if there Is a warning?

When you force arm with MP it will complain with some message and if you then accept it the throttle will start moving in the output page. The reasons of complaint is the interesting though, so check what it is.

Thanks Karl for your interest. This night I discovered the mystery. I had set the Motor Driver Types to “PWM Brushed BiPolar”. By changing the setting to “normal” everything works. I was convinced that I had set it correctly but probably that setting is needed for some particular ESC. Can you tell me something about it? Thank you again and I hope to count on your advice again.

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now I understand what the difference is and why the propeller wasn’t turning… I’m sorry

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