Problem with Pixhawk and Raspberry Pi connection

I’m trying to connect my Pixhawk to my Raspberry Pi using this tutorial link but i cant get to the arm checks, instead i get > root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# --master=/dev/ttyS0 --baudrate 57600 --aircraft MyCopter

Connect /dev/ttyS0 source_system=255
no script MyCopter/mavinit.scr
Log Directory: MyCopter/logs/2018-04-11/flight1
Telemetry log: MyCopter/logs/2018-04-11/flight1/flight.tlog
MAV> Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/ttyS0
`P $c@>~height 20
fence breach
online system 1
APM: APM:Copter V3.5.5 (27229c83)
APM: PX4: 0384802e NuttX: 1bcae90b
APM: Frame: QUAD
APM: PX4v2 003C0023 34355119 38393730
Received 773 parameters
Saved 773 parameters to MyCopter/logs/2018-04-11/flight1/mav.parm
Vcc 4.2
Vcc 4.2
Vcc 4.2
Vcc 4.2

when I use serial0 I get the same problem, and when I use ttyAMA0 I get

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# --master=/dev/ttyAMA0 --baudrate 57600 --aircraft MyCopter
Connect /dev/ttyAMA0 source_system=255
no script MyCopter/mavinit.scr
Log Directory: MyCopter/logs/2018-04-11/flight2
Telemetry log: MyCopter/logs/2018-04-11/flight2/flight.tlog

and I cannot input anything after that, it keeps repeating MAV>

Please Advise

Search the forum, there are many answers to this problem.

The output from that command looks correct - it’s definitely connecting to the copter (as you’re getting the version string and current mode). Have you tried pressing “enter” a few times to get to the MAVproxy prompt? Then you should be able to start typing in commands.