Problem with LCD Display FLD-02 and Telemetry Pixhawk

I have the following material:

FrSky D8R-II Plus 2.4Ghz 8CH ACCST Receiver Telemetery
FrSky LCD Telemetry Display FLD-02
FrSky Receiver Upgrade Lite FUL-1
Pixhawk PX4 2.4.6 Flight Controller NEO-M8N GPS Radio Telemetry OSD 3DR 915Mhz

With Firmware:
Date: Wed Feb 24 10:22:35 2016 +0900
Copter: version to 3.3.3

It is connected according to instructions:

I not receive telemetry data, only a few numbers wrong.

Any idea what could happen?

Greetings to all and thanks for your help

I am owner of 3DR IRIS+ which contains Pixhawk telemetery and am having trouble obtaining correct latitude. Hardware has been throughly checked and found to be in good order. Latiude is orrect when UAV NOT in line of sight of KRNO airport.

I have suspicions as to the cause, but no proof.

If your problem is regarding GPS data, let us share notes and results. In meantime, be aware of the NOTAM in the following link:

Best wishes and Good Luck

The problem I have is that you do not see anything in the FLD-02 screen. Attached some pictures to see how the port exit-2 is connected to the converter “FrSky Receiver Upgrade Lite” and that the recipient “FrSky D8R-II Plus” emitter module on the station is connected directly to the FLD-02 screen. Configuration Serial2-Protocol parameter is set to 3 (FrSky D-PORT). By going clearing doubts, the FLD-02 screen directly supports the protocol “FRSKY D-PORT” or “FRSKY S-PORT” or need a converter ?.

Thank you for your attention