Problem with landing gear retracts

Hoping someone might be able to help me figure out what is happening with landing gear retracts.

I have a Pixhawk (clone, 3DR version is on order), and have TL65B44 retracts connected but they will not work. I have a 5v BEC on the servo rail to provide additional power, and retracts connected via Y servo cable to AUX1 on the pixhawk, but they are not working. I can plug the retracts cable and the BEC into the receiver by themselves and the retracts will work fine. Just will not work from the AUX ports on the pixhawk. Also, in Mission planner, CH8 is set to Landing Gear, and RC9 is set to option 29, running 3.3rc10 firmware.

I am out of ideas as to why they will not work from the AUX port on the Pixhawk.

Have you followed these ArduCopter Wiki instructions

Yeah the connections are correct. I can control my broken landing gear still with it. The old gear used the TL8X002 controller. The new gear just has a servo cable and is supposed to be plug and play by plugging into the gearā€™s aux channel.

I have tried everything I can think of to get it working.

It works fine from the X8R reciever if I plug into channel 8 on it. Just does not work on the AUX channels on the pixhawk.

Iā€™ve narrowed it down to a problem with the signal coming from the pixhawk.
Powered gear directly from BEC and only plugged signal wire into pixhawk and gear does not work. Unplugged the signal wire from the pixhawk and plugged it into the X8R reciever channel 8 signal pin, and gear works.

Again,channel 8 is my 3 position switch on my transmitter.
In mission planner, RC9 is set to function 29. Everything else on RC9 setup is default. In Extended Options, Ch8 Opt is set to Landing Gear. The signal cable is plugged into the bottom pin on the far right side of the pixhawk, which should be AUX1. Running 3.3rc10 hexacopter firmware.

As best as I can tell, all settings are correct, so I dont know what Iā€™m missing.

Are you sure your retract signal wire is plugged into the correct pin on your pixhawk clone? Perhaps the pins are not in the same order as the original pixhawk?

I hope you donā€™t mind me hijacking your thread. I am in the process of trying to setup my retracts, however, I do not have Landing Gear in my RC7/RC8 drop down settings. Iā€™m running 3.3rc10 Hexa. I flashed Rover, then back to 3.3rc10 Quad, but that made no difference. So Iā€™ve gone back to 3.3rc10 Hexa. I tried to manually set the options in Full Parameter list, but that did not help. Any suggestions?

I am also experiencing this issue. If I directly connect them to my X8R theyā€™ll work, when I try to do it through Pixhawk, they donā€™t. I also followed the tutorial and the switch I chose is working in Radio Calibration.

In regards to the missing parameter in MissionPlannerā€™s drop down, I also had that issue but when you go to Help and click on Beta Updates, the option returns to the drop down.

Just to add my voice to the clamour. Cant get the gear to work on my channel switch.

Pixhawk, 3.3rc11. Mission planner 1.3.30 ~ 1.3.32

( i had to try about 8 times to get MP to display the option to accept CH6~8 as gear control, for some reason it was not there until I updated MP with BETA updates ( which were blocked with a 403 permission error several times ) )

Ch7 as 3 pos and RC11 as gear control panel.

Can lift and lower the gear by toggling CH11 in mission planner manually but no way can I get the pixhawk to follow my TX switch and left/lower the gear.

Set up as per instructions on the wiki.

( a Comment here - the picture on the wiki page is a little misleading as the red addition to the photo says ā€˜AUX1 ~ AUX4 can be used to control gearā€™ and the annotation appears to be reversed as to the actual layout of outputs on the pixhawk ie it ā€˜looksā€™ like AUX4 is AUX1 and AUX1 is AUX4 ā€¦ if you see what I mean ) it only catches you out once ā€¦ :slight_smile:

I think we have confirmation from a few people that the landing gear setup is working on a Pixhawk so this tends to make me think the issues above are hardware issues. Perhaps the manufacturer made a mistake with the wiring.

The issue not being able to select ā€œLanding gearā€ for the ch7/ch8 auxiliar switch is definitely because youā€™ll need to use the Beta Mission Planner until Copter-3.3 becomes the official release (in about 2 weeks time if all goes well).

My gear is now working. I needed to reverse the pulsewidth outputs for my retracts though.

I suspect the issue is with the actual PWM signal being sent during the retract and/or deploy positions. There are two parameters: LGR_SERVO_RTRACT, and LGR_SERVO_DEPLOY which default to 1250 and 1750 which do work for my Tarot landing gear, but may not work for all. Try changing these to another value such as 1100 and 1900, or 1000 and 2000. They can even be inverted if necessary for your particular landing gear setup.

Great that you got it working, iā€™ll close this report then.

I am looking for a little more help on getting my retracts to work using mission planner. I have Ch. 7 set to Landing Gear in the extended tunning section. My switch on my Tx for landing gear has an upper limit of 2062 and lower of 951. Is that what I should set LGR_SERVO_RTRACT, and LGR_SERVO_DEPLOY to Aux-3 on Pixhawk. Nothing works. Do I need to set up any other values in the Full Parameter list. It seems like others have gotten this to workā€¦ Please help.

R6D ppm RX
Hobbypower TL65B44 Retractable Landing Skid Gear
Pixhawk FC

LGR_SERVO_RTRACT, and LGR_SERVO_DEPLOY are where you set the pwm value.

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