today i went to setup the rssi from my x8r(last firmware eu lbt), adding the Resistor/capacitor filter, as suggest from arducopter wiki.
Well, its not perfectly working. The rssi showed on mission planner its not stable, but its floating beetween 100% and 78% like a square pulse.
Same result if i connect receiver to A0 pin without filter.
I tryed 2 different resistor, first 4.7K and 10 microfarad capacitor(as suggested wiki) second time with 10k resistor+ 10 microfarad capacitor, but no looks differences.
I am using an X8R unit with no resistor/capacitor. I have this setup on a Pixhawk and Pixracer though.
The manual for D8R shows it outputs RSSI as PWM so the Resistor/Capacitor must convert that to a voltage between 0 and 3.3v. Not needed on an X8R which already outputs 0 - 3.3v.
thx iseries, but in my case its not working, i alredy tryed to use the rssi port from my x8r, connectiond it directly to my apm with a 2 wire servo cable(signal and gnd) but the output from rssi port looks like a square pulse, infact on mission planner hud, i can see the rssi jump 100%-75%