I have been trying to upload the quadcopter firmware from my macbook to the Arducopter and i keep having problems… It keeps telling me “Unable to open Com port: usbmodem1411” can you please help me. the lights turn on when i plug in the arducopterand everything.
when i download the mission planner. when i click it to run it tells me that 'There is no application set to open the document “MissionPlanner-latest.msi” ’ DO you think that is the problem?
I have already tried the APMplanner 2.0 for mac and still says the same thing. can not open com port.
I have downloaded qgroudcontrol and my device will not show up when i plug it in so i cant install firmware.
I have tried a virtual machine and it only seems to pop up as a windows terminal screen. So confused… Am i doing something wrong??