Hello friends: My question is related to Map Tool–>PREFETCH. Where is the location in windows 10 for MP to store prefetch map?. I am looking under this directory but no joy !. (C:\Users\local-admin\Documents\Mission Planner). Pls. help, nbelow is the snapshot, where I am searching for prefetch map. MP v 1.3.49 build 1.1.6410.20232…additional note: I just saw another post mentioning about location: Mission Planner\gmapcache, but I am unable to locate this?.
Thanks Matthew: … but in srtm i can see *.hgt files. How can i reload these or prefetch map back into mp (while i am offline)…i think i am missing something very straight forward as I am unable to find a clean step by step procedure either in copter/mp wiki or ardupilot discussion.
updating fb chat with micheal oborne here …
Michael Oborne C:\programdata\mission planner
Adnan UL Haque Thanks Micheal, but after few hours of research I am still unable to find how to reload prefetch map back into MP (while offline)?. I dont see and KML/KMZ file inside gmapcache which I can easily reload.
I can see some updates in gmapcache\TileDBv3\en\GoogleMap but still don’t know how to reload them back into MP?. Not enough information on copter or mp wiki…also, i am unable to get clean procedure in ardupilot discussion? Pls. help
Michael Oborne Just copy the whole gmapcache directory
Adnan UL Haque Michael Oborne : Thanks…, but where shall I copy gmapcache?.
While loading MP, i found following directories in MP log files (C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\MissionPlanner.txt)
INFO MissionPlanner.srtm - C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm
INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.Gridv2.dll
INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.SimpleGrid.dll
INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.Stats.dll
INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner\plugins\TrackerHome.dll
solution: problem fixed. Just do MP–>Flight Plan–>MP Tool–>Prefetch by doing Alt+select area (while PC is connected to Internet). This will save the map in C:\programdata\mission planner\gmapcache. Now take the same laptop/PC to selected area (where there is no internet). Open Laptop/MP and connect to Pixhawk via Mavlink. MP will automatically load gmapcache map once detected offline (no internet).
I prefetch the selected map area by Ctrl+draw rectangle (also try alt+draw ) in MP>Flight Plan>Map tool>Prefetch while online with vehicle GPS 3d fix, but still I can’t find the downloaded tiles in C:>Program File (x86) > Mission Planner >gmapcache after doing 8-10 times with default zoom level of 20.