Precision Landing Not Working (using MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LANDING_TARGET)

Its working now . Seems like it needs rangefinder in order to work the precision land. I have enabled mavlink rangefinder. But I need to decent it at a constant velocity. Is there is any way to disable the rangefinder and do the precision landing?

Hello, after checking the source code of AC_PrecLand, if the PLND_TYPE = 1 (Companion)

void AC_PrecLand_Companion::handle_msg(const mavlink_landing_target_t &packet, uint32_t timestamp_ms)
    _distance_to_target = packet.distance;
    GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "handle msg %.3f", _distance_to_target);
    if (packet.position_valid == 1) {
        if (packet.frame == MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD) {
            if (_distance_to_target > 0) {
                _los_meas_body = Vector3f(packet.x, packet.y, packet.z);
                _los_meas_body /= _distance_to_target;
            } else {
                // distance to target must be positive
        } else {
            //we do not support this frame
            if (!_wrong_frame_msg_sent) {
                _wrong_frame_msg_sent = true;
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"Plnd: Frame not supported ");
    } else {
        // compute unit vector towards target
        _los_meas_body = Vector3f(-tanf(packet.angle_y), tanf(packet.angle_x), 1.0f);
        _los_meas_body /= _los_meas_body.length();

    _los_meas_time_ms = timestamp_ms;
    _have_los_meas = true;

the code show that your frame type should be MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD distance >0 x y z >0 Position_valid == 1, and

void AC_PrecLand::check_ekf_init_timeout()
    if (!target_acquired() && _estimator_initialized) {
        // we have just got the target in sight
        if (AP_HAL::millis()-_last_update_ms > EKF_INIT_SENSOR_MIN_UPDATE_MS) {
            // we have lost the target, not enough readings to initialize the EKF
            _estimator_initialized = false;
            gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "PrecLand: Init Failed");
        } else if (AP_HAL::millis()-_estimator_init_ms > EKF_INIT_TIME_MS) {
            // the target has been visible for a while, EKF should now have initialized to a good value
            _target_acquired = true;
            gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "PrecLand: Init Complete");
static const uint32_t EKF_INIT_SENSOR_MIN_UPDATE_MS = 500;

my mavlink_landing_target_t like that

mavlink_landing_target_t req = new mavlink_landing_target_t
                x = 1,
                y = -1,
                z = 5,
                position_valid = 1,
                type = 0,
                distance = 30,
                frame = 12

fast send the packet in LAND mode the your vehicle will move

Iā€™m new to all this, Iā€™m using Speedybeey F405, copter 4.7.0, and by default, it didnā€™t have the option for Preclanding, I uploaded custom firmware with PrecLanding option, I have set it up, using Raspberry Pi 4B, I the issue Iā€™m facing is I canā€™t switch to PrcLoiter, and I canā€™t see an option for ā€œcompanion computerā€ in the parameter

I donā€™t have a rangefinder installed, do I need one?

this is my code:

from os import sys, path

import time
import math
import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np

from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode, LocationGlobalRelative, Command, LocationGlobal
from pymavlink import mavutil

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument(ā€˜ā€“connectā€™, default=ā€˜/dev/serial0ā€™, help=ā€˜connection stringā€™)
parser.add_argument(ā€˜ā€“baudā€™, default=921600, type=int, help=ā€˜baud rateā€™)
parser.add_argument(ā€˜ā€“cameraā€™, default=1, type=int, help=ā€˜camera index (usually 1 for USB camera)ā€™)
args = parser.parse_args()

#-------------- FUNCTIONS
def send_land_message_v2(x_rad=0, y_rad=0, dist_m=0, x_m=0,y_m=0,z_m=0, time_usec=0, target_num=0):
msg = vehicle.message_factory.landing_target_encode(
time_usec, # time target data was processed, as close to sensor capture as possible
target_num, # target num, not used
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED, # frame, not used
x_rad, # X-axis angular offset, in radians
y_rad, # Y-axis angular offset, in radians
dist_m, # distance, in meters
0, # Target x-axis size, in radians
0, # Target y-axis size, in radians
x_m, # x float X Position of the landing target on MAV_FRAME
y_m, # y float Y Position of the landing target on MAV_FRAME
z_m, # z float Z Position of the landing target on MAV_FRAME
(1,0,0,0), # q float[4] Quaternion of landing target orientation (w, x, y, z order, zero-rotation is 1, 0, 0, 0)
2, # type of landing target: 2 = Fiducial marker
1, # position_valid boolean

def send_land_message_v1(x_rad=0, y_rad=0, dist_m=0, time_usec=0, target_num=0):
msg = vehicle.message_factory.landing_target_encode(
int(time_usec), # time target data was processed, as close to sensor capture as possible
target_num, # target num, not used
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED, # frame, not used
x_rad, # X-axis angular offset, in radians
y_rad, # Y-axis angular offset, in radians
dist_m, # distance, in meters
0, # Target x-axis size, in radians
0, # Target y-axis size, in radians

def send_distance_message(dist):
msg = vehicle.message_factory.distance_sensor_encode(
0, # time since system boot, not used
1, # min distance cm
10000, # max distance cm
dist, # current distance, must be int
0, # type = laser?
0, # onboard id, not used
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_PITCH_270, # must be set to MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_PITCH_270 for mavlink rangefinder
0 # covariance, not used

def marker_position_to_angle(x, y, z):
angle_x = math.atan2(x,z)
angle_y = math.atan2(y,z)
return (angle_x, angle_y)

def camera_to_uav(x_cam, y_cam):
x_uav = x_cam
y_uav = y_cam
return(x_uav, y_uav)

class ArucoTracker:
def init(self, show_video=False):
self.id_to_find = 2 # Hardcoded ID
self.marker_size = 20 # Marker size in cm
self.show_video = show_video

    self.camera_matrix = np.array(
        [[945.98202193, 0, 285.21209715],
         [0, 952.38344067, 193.88874816],
         [0, 0, 1]],

    self.camera_distortion = np.array(
        [0.11206084, 2.50426718, -0.0065591, 0.0029014, -28.9398303],

    self.aruco_dict = cv2.aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_50)
    self.parameters = cv2.aruco.DetectorParameters()
    self.detector = cv2.aruco.ArucoDetector(self.aruco_dict, self.parameters)

    print(f"Opening camera {0}")
    self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    if not self.cap.isOpened():
        print(f"Failed to open camera {0}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to open camera {0}")

    self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640)
    self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480)

def track(self, loop=True):
    ret, frame =
    if not ret:
        print("Failed to grab frame from camera")
        return False, 0, 0, 0

    gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    corners, ids, rejected = self.detector.detectMarkers(gray)

    if ids is not None and self.id_to_find in ids:
        marker_idx = list(ids).index(self.id_to_find)
        # Get the corners of the specific marker we want
        marker_corners = corners[marker_idx]
        # Estimate pose for a single marker
        objPoints = np.array([
            [-self.marker_size/2, self.marker_size/2, 0],
            [self.marker_size/2, self.marker_size/2, 0],
            [self.marker_size/2, -self.marker_size/2, 0],
            [-self.marker_size/2, -self.marker_size/2, 0]
        ], dtype=np.float32)

        # Get pose for the specific marker
        success, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(
            marker_corners[0],  # Use the first (and only) marker's corners

        if success:
            x = tvec[0][0]  # Access the first element of each array
            y = tvec[1][0]
            z = tvec[2][0]

            if self.show_video:
                cv2.aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame, corners)
                cv2.drawFrameAxes(frame, self.camera_matrix, self.camera_distortion, 
                                rvec, tvec, self.marker_size/2)
                cv2.imshow('frame', frame)

            return True, x * 100, y * 100, z * 100

    if self.show_video:
        cv2.imshow('frame', frame)

    return False, 0, 0, 0

#-------------- CONNECTION
connection_string = args.connect
baud_rate = args.baud
vehicle = connect(connection_string, baud=baud_rate)

#-------------- PARAMETERS
vehicle.parameters[ā€˜PLND_ENABLEDā€™] = 1
vehicle.parameters[ā€˜PLND_TYPEā€™] = 1 # Mavlink landing backend

freq_send = 15 # Hz

aruco_tracker = ArucoTracker()

time_0 = time.time()

while True:
marker_found, x_cm, y_cm, z_cm = aruco_tracker.track(loop=False)
if True: #marker_found:
x_cm, y_cm = camera_to_uav(x_cm, y_cm)
z_cm = vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt*100.0
angle_x, angle_y = marker_position_to_angle(x_cm, y_cm, z_cm)

    if time.time() >= time_0 + 1.0/freq_send:
        time_0 = time.time()
        print("Marker found x = %5.0f cm  y = %5.0f cm -> angle_x = %5f  angle_y = %5f"%(x_cm, y_cm, angle_x, angle_y))
        current_time_usec = int(time.time() * 1e6)
        send_land_message_v2(x_rad=angle_x, y_rad=angle_y, dist_m=z_cm*0.01, time_usec=current_time_usec)