In the MAVProxy Command Prompt:
mode guided
arm throttle
takeoff 4
Launch the python script to detect the Aruco marker
I can see that the Aruco marker is detected correctly and that the landing coordinates are calculated. However, when I enter “mode land” in the MAVProxy Command Prompt, the drone lands vertically.
My suspicion is that the mav.landing_target_send is not taken into account for some reason.
Can you upload a log of this flight so I can check if everything is setup correctly. I also haven’t had a look at my AirSim script for a while, so I might need to check if that is outputting what it should
Prior to Copter 4.2, you could only send LANDING_TARGET mavlink message as angles so this flag was unused. Since then, we can now instead send a 3D body FRD vector. The “position_valid” flag is used to switch between the two.
I’ve put this project on the side and came back to it recently.
I am trying the precision landing algorithm and I am facing an issue because it is “too aggressive”. The correction is too high and the drones ends up oscillating a lot.
I’ve tried to reduce the x and y offset values sent with a correction factor, but it doesn’t seem to help.
Does someone have any advice? Could it be a parameters?
My descending speed is set to 50 cm/s.
I struggle to find a good tuning in my setup with a custom simulated drone (Unreal Engine + AirSim)
I was thinking that modifying PSC_POSXY_P could solve the issue, but it didn’t change much.
When I say “oscillating”, I mean that each position correction applied seems to be too big. If I start the landing sequence nearly above the marker, the drone ends up completely next to the target and doesn’t see it anymore.
I found that the FOV specified in the settings.json file I was using didn’t match the one used in the precision landing script (my bad). Once I make them matching, the overshoot seems to be resolved!