Prearm: Throttle Below Failsafe (All of a sudden?)


I’ve been flying my copter without issues lately.
But today when I took my copter outside to fly, I see this error which I did not get before.
“Prearm: Throttle Below Failsafe”

Also I see that no RC signal coming.

My RC: Herelink / Firmware: v4.0.8
FC: Pixhawk Orange Cube / Firmware: Arducopter v4.0.7

  1. Is it something that I’m the only one experiencing this issue?

  2. It worked fine lately. But suddenly it’s not working. I did not upgrade firmware nor change setting. But why is it not working?

Please help me here~!

It will be an issue with the reciever or its wiring, or TX/RX binding…
Use the RC calibration screen to check.

i checked receiver, wiring, binding… it all seems okay.
In the RC calibration screen, nothing is moving.

Same symptom has been found to both of my copters so I was wondering if some kind of update has been made in QGC-Herelink side automatically?

Check over in Cubepilot forum

Thank you.

Posted on Cubepilot as well.