PreArm: RC Yaw not configured, No Yaw control


For some reason I don’t seem to have any yaw control.
I have all 4 channels on MP moving when I move the sticks and all 4 flaps are moving as expected when I move channels 1 and 2.

But when I move channel 3 (rudder/yaw) nothing happens on the flaps.

Yaw is moving up and down in Radio Calibration, so I know it’s getting to MP.

I would expect to see the flaps all moving clockwise or anti-clockwise when I move the rudder stick/ch3/yaw.

Anyone know why I don’t see any flap movement, also when I try and disarm, I get “PreArm RC Yaw not configured” ?

Determined to get this in the air!


No Ardupilot RC channel is configured to do the YAW function. You need to assign the ywa fuction to the respective RC channel.

Basically channel 3 is throttle and channel 4 is (rudder/yaw). Main thing is this is a “Mode 2”

By the way what’s your transmitter ?

Happy flying :slightly_smiling_face:


Yaw is channel 4, it’s working (see photos)
Yaw set to channel 4 in advanced parameters
Still when I try to Arm (right rudder) I get RC Yaw not configured
Also, I sometimes get RC throttle not configured.

I am using a Joystick and flytron USB to PPM module.
I fly with many planes using this with FR-Sky V8FR receivers.

So now I’m not advise because I’m not really sure what to do. :sweat_smile:

If you don’t tune much so reset your board and load latest stable firmware.

Happy flying :slightly_smiling_face:

At least one RC*_FUNCTION parameter must be configured for YAW.

I think you can set RCMAP_YAW parameter