Prearm: Rangefinder1: no data

my screen said this error. my lidar is gramin lidarlite v3. my pixhawk is orange cube.
what do i need to do in order to fix this?

I assume your not getting any readings for the lidar under rangefinder1? under mission planner>status tab

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yeah. it says 0 on rangefinder1

how have you connected the lidar ?

yes i connected the lidar through pwm

did you follow

  • [RNGFND1_TYPE] = 5 “PWM”
  • [RNGFND1_PIN] = 54 “AUX5”
  • [RNGFND1_MAX_CM] = 3500 (the maximum range the lidar can accurately report in cm)
  • [RNGFND1_MIN_CM] = 20 (the mininum range the lidar can accurately report in cm)
  • [RNGFND1_SCALING] = 1 (“0.8” may produce more accurate readings for some units)
  • [RNGFND1_OFFSET] = 0

What AUX port is it connected to, you need to set it to GPIO, AUX pins are servo_9-14 so if your lidar is connected to AUX 5 set SERVO_13 function -1

did you mean SERVO13_FUNCTION parameter?

yes SERVO13_FUNCTION parameter set to -1 assuming your connected to aux 5.

Hey @geofrancis, I am using telem 2 port and using NRA 24, It is showing No data found, what might went wrong? Could you help me out

Thank you in advance

Assuming that you correctly setup your parameters, be careful with this radar regarding that, if I am not mistaken, it will report data only when it have some movement. You can fine tune the MIN_CM parameter in order to make it stop annoying you (or in the worst case, disable the rangefinder pre-arm check).

As a quick test, try to make movements on your radar and see if the error disappears.

please set following parameters to get readings from nra24
serial2_baud =115
Serrial2_Protocol =9
Rngfnd1_type =11
Rngfnd1_orient =25