My name is Siam. I am from Bangladesh.
I have made a quadcopter and I have used APM 2.8 flight controller and Ublox NEO N7M GPS with compass. When I had pogramed by Mission Planner, Mission Planner has showed me ‘‘Have you GPS Lock.’’ What is GPS Lock ? Only Stabalize mood working. Please help me.
Thank’s in advance.
Use a supported Flight Controller.
Thank you sir.
Iam a stduent, It will be diffficult to buy a one more flight controller.
Is there any way ?
Please help.
Sure, go outside in an open space with no buildings nor trees and test again. GPS lock means the gps receiver is outputing a correct and valid location
If you are a student, you can try to get vendor-sponsored hardware.
I think we should put unsupported hardware list front and center in the documentation especially part on APM 2.8.
I do not think that will help much, no one reads documentation before buying it, and most do not read it after buying.
The best solution is to let the APM users help each other. So far we only have APM users that post questions (and complain that no one answers), but I hope that in the future one of them starts answering the questions of the others
Thank you sir.
I will try it. I will go a fild and pogram my drone.
Right. will I replay.
Thank you for replay.
But I live in Bangladesh. If I aplly from Bangladesh, will be accepted ?
Suggest you use the email address or WhatsApp he provided. Nice offer from an Ardupilot Corporate Partner.