Prearm: Logging failed

Pixhawk (lite) does not arm:
I set LOG_BACKEND_TYPE to 0 or 1. Pixhawk doen’t arm, no matter which LOG_BITMASK is set.
Had worked in 3.4 without any issues.

Pixhawk (lite) does not arm:
I set LOG_BACKEND_TYPE to 0 or 1. Pixhawk doen’t arm, no matter which

Setting to zer orequires to to disable the “I am logging” arming check in
the ARMING_CHECK bitmask.

Do you have a formatted SD card in place?

Any other idea why logging might not be able to start?

Thank you Peter for your reply.
You’re right: Disable logging in arming check makes the copter armable. But i made another observation:
Setting LOG_BACKEND_TYPE to 1 and LOG_BITMASK to 830 works with an 8 GB Sandisk SD but does not work with a 4 GB Kingston card. (both class 4, both formatted FAT32)
Are there certain recommendations which type of sd card should be used ?

Are there certain recommendations which type of sd card should be used ?

None, really.

I tend to use silver-band sandisks - and don’t have problems, which is
kind of a mixed blessing given I’d like to be able to replicate these