PreArm: logging fail


After upgrading to Copter 3.5.0 i get logging fail and can’t arm the hexacopter… why?

First thing to check is the LOG_BACKEND parameter. 1 (file only) is logging only to the Pixhawk. 2 (mavlink only) will log only to a companion computer that can receive logs. And 3 (both) is both.

If you do not have a companion computer that logs, you cannot use 2 or 3. If you do, more troubleshooting is needed. What is your log bitmask parameter set for?

Thanks for reply.

I first tried with Backend_type 1 but still had same problem so i also changed the Bitmask to 655358.
After that change i got it to arm.

I’ll try to change the Bitmask to a customized one and see if i get the problem again.

I first tried with Backend_type 1 but still had same problem so i also
changed the Bitmask to 655358.

Do you know what the old value was?

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Well the old parameter was Bitmask:395214 and Backend_type 3. So i just changed the value Pedals2Paddles told me to and that was the solution for this problem :slight_smile: