PreArm: GPS blending unhealthy

Hello I would like you to help me with this error.
I am using a cuav x7+ flight controller and a gps neo 3 pro and when flying the drone, I put the AUTO mode and I get this error, I have about 25 to 30 satellites and I do not understand why I get this error and does not let me do the scheduled route.
mission planner 4.5.2

Post your param file please. Do you have a secondary GPS installed or why are you using GPS blending?

i only have 1 GPS
03_06_2024.param (18.2 KB)

Try setting GPS_AUTO_SWITCH to 0, GPS_BLEND_MASK to 0 and SERIAL1_PROTOCOL to -1.

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thank you somuch, it has already worked, I will let you know here if it work

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