PreArm: CrashDump data detected


I am getting the above error message in Mission Planner whenever I tried to connect it to my quadcopter. I checked Mission Planner’s DataFlash Logs tab, but there is no log files present. Please help me resolving this error message.


have a look here about crash dump. Independent Watchdog and Crash Dump — Copter documentation. It is a important piece of information, how did this crash dump come about? Post the crash dump here and lets see if someone can help. I would not just clear it and try and fly, lets first see why it came about.

Make sure the root casue, and update the firmware with MP. Then it’s good to go.

where can I find the “crash dump”. I don’t see any file listed in the “DataFlash Logs” tab in Mission Planner.

go to config tab look under MAVFtp on the left side of the config tab.

found the crash_dump.bin file. Should I attach it here?

yes put it here and hopefully someone will look at it. Also add any information you think would be relevant, don’t just post a crash dump and expect folks to know what’s going on. Please explain your situation and what lead to this coming up.

Here is the file.
Thanks in advance for your help.
crash_dump.bin (220.5 KB)

Sorry, forgot the additional information that I needed to provide.

There is not much to tell. The dump came from a quadcopter (a kit I bought from DroneDojo) I just recently completed. The copter uses a Pixhawk, which has ArduCopter v4.5.3 installed. Last week I was able to arm the copter (indoor only, without GPS). Then I did some work on the Raspberry Pi connected to the Pixhawk, (installing firmware, setting up wifi, etc). Yesterday, when I powered up the Copter using the battery, it reported this CrashDump Data error right away.

Here are the log messages received by the Mission Planner:

16/06/2024 9:46:40 AM : PreArm: RC not found
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : PreArm: CrashDump data detected
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : Frame: QUAD/X
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 8.0kHz/1.0kHz
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : RCOut: PWM:1-14
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : IOMCU: 410 2003 412FC231
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : Pixhawk1 002B003E 33305108 39373530
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : ChibiOS: 6a85082c
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : ArduCopter V4.5.3 (ee14ff38)
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : Frame: QUAD/X
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 8.0kHz/1.0kHz
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : RCOut: PWM:1-14
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : IOMCU: 410 2003 412FC231
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : Pixhawk1 002B003E 33305108 39373530
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : ChibiOS: 6a85082c
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : ArduCopter V4.5.3 (ee14ff38)
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : Frame: QUAD/X
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 8.0kHz/1.0kHz
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : RCOut: PWM:1-14
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : IOMCU: 410 2003 412FC231
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : Pixhawk1 002B003E 33305108 39373530
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : ChibiOS: 6a85082c
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : ArduCopter V4.5.3 (ee14ff38)
16/06/2024 9:46:39 AM : PreArm: CrashDump data detected

Then the CrashDump data detected message is continuously repeated indefinitely.

Let me know if you need any other information from me.


@jcyy As @406FPV said, provide as much as you can, especially not a released version.

FYI: Rover 4.5.2 encoder GPIO interrupt quota increase causing crash dump, any idea?

I got the same alarm PreArm: CrashDump data detected
Arducopter 4.5.4 (on Pixhawk 4), I also lost ESC telemetry parameters (esc9-, 10, 11 and 12).
I am not able to read the log, and solve this problem…
crash_dump.bin (44.3 KB)

Pixhawk4 or Pixhaw4-bdshot? I am unable to decode the crash dump

Sorry, is Pixhawk4-BDShot.
I read to delete the crash dump log needs to update. I will try to update the 4.6 version.