I have tried to resolve this compass inconsistence error message I receive when connected to Mission Planner via USB with no luck. The craft is not connected to its battery supply (6S), just the USB supply.
Magnetic interference is possible, but I don’t think this is the issues with my compass. I performed the compass calibration with success but still receiving the error in my logs. Attached you will find also my compass X,Y&Z values which look off. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hard to say without knowing what kind of hardware you’re using. Looking at the screen shot I’m guessing you have an internal and external compass. So the first thing I’d check is that the external compass is even powered up. Many flight controllers don’t power all the accessories via USB.
When you did the calibration were both the external and internal compasses (Cube) mounted in their final location? More important, does the problem show up when you use battery? If the drone is flyable then I would suggest doing a magfit calibration to address any interference issues you may be having.
The calibration was completely with the FC and GPS in it fix location. The inconsistent PreArm error shows up while connected to MP via usb and haven’t wanted to fly it with this error persisting.
If this is the same drone that you are talking about in the other thread that had a crash, then I recommend re-doing the calibration. Something may have moved a bit, enough to show up as an error. Make sure you do the calibration outside, away from interference and with a good GPS lock. Then I still recommend doing a MagFit calibration once it’s flying.
Also, check if this is happening when you’re just powered by battery and no USB. Just to eliminate sources of interference.
I have running magfit using mavexplore and it given some compass parameters
That i have to replace those values from original compass calibration values?
So I had time today and I performed two recalibrations. The last cleared up my inconsistent compass when plugged in via USB on MP. Going to complete other tasks, then will take the craft out for a test flight. Thanks everyone!