I am using a VTOL Fixed wing, MP and ArduPlane 4.0.7 with a RC transmitter that has a spring-loaded centered throttle arrangement.
I am trying to use the “Motors Emergency Stop” RC channel option to set up the drone such that the pilot can arm the system before flight, in any flight mode, without having the aircraft spinning up the motors or trying to move. This includes FBW modes and Auto mode. (Other modes used include QHOVER, QLOITER, QRTL, and RTL)
Below is the description of the setup-
Setup a RC channel option as (motor emergency stop) throttle cut-off switch > Enable PreArm checks > Arm the aircraft without the motors spinning up.
This setup does not allow arming the aircraft while PreArm checks are enabled as the firmware executes a mandatory “if” case to check for “Motors Emergency Stop” RC channel option.
Is there a good way to implement this as I believe this (motor emergency stop RC channel option) is not an intended use case?
Warning displayed on MP HUD:
PreArm: Motors Emergency Stopped
logs: https://netorgft2762771-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/naiktanmay_censystech_com/EkQuEhmY3M5Dn2f72tc_PBsBFPXPHVEGnOgCU7iJdCE0Zg?e=mWG8Qd