PPM input to SpeedyBee F405 V3 not detected by QGC

Hey all, I’m using AP with a SpeedyBee F405 V3, and QGroundControl. It can connect to the FC just fine, and I’ve confirmed PPM input from my TX to the FC, but QGC complains of Detected 0 radio channels. To operate PX4 you need at least 5 channels

QGC does show stuff like pitch/roll, so it appears to be communicating with the FW fine.

Full setup is:

@andyp1per, per our discussion on Discord :point_up:

Any solution to this. Is it true that Qgroundcontrol and Ardupilot can not detect PPM inputs?

What do you see here under RC Input?
Speedybee F405 V3 RC Input

Hi Dave,

Yes I noticed that and was confused because the Speedybee documentation indicates that the F405 supports PPM. SpeedbyBee F405 PPM Receiver Capability?

At this point i assume this is a limitation of Ardupilot/QGC, not neccesarily the FC?


I would guess it does support PPM when using Betaflight.

Hello! I confirm PPM working with Betaflight connected on R2 pad.