Power Module Setting not sticking

I am running APM Planner Daily (2.0.10) 2014-06-23

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 3.26.14 PM.png[/attachment]

and it seems every time I switch from sensory 0) Other to 3) 3DR Power Module it switches back to 0) Other.
[attachment=1]Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 3.26.24 PM.png[/attachment]

Any Ideas? Also, is there a parameter I can set?

That’s because From the returned parameters we cannot determine its a Pixhawk.

Use the simple form which is less confusing

You can set BATT_ parameters to set them in the Full Parameter List. More info in the docs on this site

Why can’t you determine whether it is Pixhawk when it is? Some other setting somewhere else?

I had crashed recently, APM planner displayed low batt but it did not fail safe, not sue if this is part of the power module function or other.

Look at this arduplotter.com/view/53ae328afc4 … 733#params, looking for clues

The SYSID_SW_TYPE lets us know if its plane, copter, rover etc… we don’t have a param for HW being host.