Power distortion

Hi !

I will appreciate any input since I did not find any existing topic related to this problem

Hexa with APM. just upgraded to the new version (but this was happening before as well)

In stab mode: I am experiencing significant power drop while do any of the pitch/roll actions - copter loses elevation, and it keeps loosing it as long as I change course or direction. I have to manually keep it up.

Please, if anyone knows why this happening, give me some direction how to isolate the problem

Thanks in advance


Do you have tlogs or data flash logs available to help troubleshoot your issue?

How high is your throttle stick when you are hovering? My guess is you do not have enough reserve power, and the “stability patch” is reducing total power to give you the control overhead you need for manoevering.

throttle is about 30%
logs will do in couple of days