We are using 2200 MaH battery to fly our drone , but our issue is that drone starts to fly after the throttle is set down from half of its max value although the propellers got started rotating from the initial throttle value . After flying to certain height a potential thrust loss error is coming. Please suggest some methods to resolve it.
You need more power in the porpulsion system or less weight in the vehicle
Another issue is that when i was increasing the throttle slowly , the right two propellers are rotating high as compared to the left twos , so that the drone starts to topple on the ground. Why this is happening.
Incorrect configuration and probably no tuning whatsoever.
Without a .bin log file is hard to guess what are the problems.
Use the ardupilot methodic configurator software and the blog post accompanying it to fix them.
He was sent a link to The Configurator >1wk ago.
Preliminary design sorts out this type of problems. My suggestion it to use proper tools before going assembling and testing things. Get your estimates and see if they match the desired performance given the estimated MTOW of your aircraft.
The configurator should be your last step really, not the other way round as there’s nothing in the fc setup or tuning that can make a thing fly safely if the physics is not there in the first place.
Excellent advice.
What components are on the craft and what is its take-off-weight? Motors, props, battery power (3s, 4s)
At the time of take off, it’s weight is nearly about 700 grams & we are using 4 DJI 920 KV motors,7 inch props & 2200 Mah Li-po battery (3s).
Insufficient thrust. Put 9” props on if they will fit. What frame?
Actually, Our drone is meant for max 7 inch propellers. So that we can’t use 9" props
Then you have the wrong motors. You need a motor in the 1500kV range.
Buy a subscription to eCalc and rebuild that craft with proper spec components. The goal is 50% or less for Motor @ Hover Throttle (linear). What you have is ~70% so of course you will have Thrust Loss errors.
Is this the same craft you have been posting about since April?