Position Home in flight data and position home in flight planner are not match

Position Home ardurover in flight data and position home in flight planner are not match. Ardurover are move around this make it impossible to specify position home in flight data and flight planner. because position home move along ardurover .

I’m definitely a beginner!

This is a picture from flight planner

This is a picture from flight data

It can be seen that the position home do not match.

How should I fix it?


Hi @Hearthz,

Normally home is set when the vehicle arms. Instead of using a waypoint, maybe use the return-to-launch command?

The core problem though is that the GPS is moving around a lot. To some extent that’s just how GPS is so you can’t expect to resolve this completely. If the vehicle’s GPS is upgraded to a better GPS (like a Ublox F9P) then it will get better though.

Thanks for using AP.

When I arm or disarm the home position it moves accordingly ardurover. position home It doesn’t stay in place.

I want the home position to be stationary and not move with ardurover

I use pixhawk 2.4.8 with GPS NEO-M8N

How should I fix it?

Hi @Hearthz,

Ah, ok. While the vehicle is disarmed, the home position is updated to the vehicle’s location every few seconds.

Home will stop moving once you arm the vehicle or if you manually move home from MP’s Data screen, right-mouse-button-click on the map and select “Set Home Here”, “Set Home Here”.

no, Home not stop when armed. It also moves along with the ardurover

What makes you think home moves with rover after armed?

OK, I did as you said and was able to fix it. The GPS itself moves around a lot as you said.

Thank you for helping me solve the problem.