Hello, I am trying to install a portable RTK GPS with holybro F9P RTK GPS. I made the connections on the installation page and will share the photos. However, the rtk icon does not appear in the qgrand control application. I can’t see the accuracy value. On the Rover GPS, the rtk led blinks, but on the base it does not blink.
setup link: Portable RTK Base Station Setup | Holybro Docs
Simple Portable RTK Base Station
There’s nothing that can tell you what you’re looking for right now. Why does the rtk icon appear? And the rtk led on the helical GPS is blinking, the base station has been open for 1 hour and there is communication between telemetry. But the rtk led is blinking, is there something wrong? Also, I could not find a document explaining what the colors of the LED on the GPS mean. What does the switch button on the GPS do? I’ll be happy if you can help me?