Poor tuning and non stable flight

Hi All,

I tried to build my Cinelog 2.5" with ArduPilot.
I’m having trouble with PID autotuning—experiencing unstable behavior. I’m struggling when flying.
The filters look good, in my opinion. Tuning completed with a “success” message.
The compass was calibrated.
I increased ATC_THR_MIX_MAN to more than one—no effect.
And as usual, no issues with Betaflight, so this isn’t a hardware problem.
I’m not sure what else I can try…
Here’s the video of the flight: https://youtu.be/OXOqbhcZDLw
Logs: Access via Synology

Thanks for your help!
CC @andyp1per :slight_smile:

You can and should try github.io Methodic Configurator

Hi, how it can help to find the problem?
If you are talking about some missing steps - I did all calibrations and test flights.
Vibrations are on low level, filters were configured.
Motors poles changed, I’m getting telemetry from esc

It helps to find the problem by methodically configuring every single relevant parameter step-by-step in an order known to be both safe and efficient. In other words in the minimal amount of steps, preventing try-and-error stuff and minimizing the number of test flights required to set up the vehicle.

Lots of users also report that, only to find out later that they did miss some steps. I read thousands of posts in this forum. I know this from REAL experience with thousands of users.

Those are all good signs, but … you still have a problem, so there must be something wrong either with the hardware or with it’s configuration.