Poor loiter performance v 3.1.5


I have put together a Quanum Nova for my daughter…(cant trust her on my flamewheel just yet! :open_mouth: )
It flies like a dream in stabilise mode - but loiter is poor.

It’s actually a great bit of kit for the pennies in paid for it - but I binned the standard separate GPS and compass units and replaced them with our usual combined item.
I did all the usual compass calibrations, I get excellent HDOP and number of sats… however my loiter performance is poor - it wanders around (seemingly randomly) and the altitude does not hold too well.
Maybe I’m expecting too much - as my ‘proper’ flamewheel quadcopter is rock solid in loiter…?

The vibration seems ok, although auto analysis reports that there is no autotune data - but I definitely did an autotune… also is says thrust is poor (Test: Thrust = FAIL - Avg climb rate 35.71 cm/s for throttle avg 711)

Could some kind and knowledgeable soul have a quick squint at my attached log to see if I’ve missed something obvious? - I would be very grateful.