POE ethernet to wifi bridge on my Ardusub

I’m building a submersible with a RPi/Ardusub pilot and Qgroundcontrol. The plan is to use a ethernet cable with power delivery to the sub from a buoy. The buoy has the batteries and a POE powermodule, and an ethernet to WiFi bridge. The buoy will communicate wirelessy to the laptop via a WiFi hot spot network.
I configured the hardware ethernet to WiFi bridge dongle and plugged it into the RPi Ardu pilot. I can communicate via SSH Putty from the laptop via and also via the webbrowser
However QControl does not connect to the RPi pilot and stays disconnected. Is there a way to route QControl’s comms to the WiFi?

I managed to get it working by trial and error by adding my laptops IP address to the MAVProxy pages. Not ideal since I have to use an static IP address for the laptop to keep the config valid…
anyway hopefully this helps someone too.