At this moment I’m using separate voltage and current sensor from my flight controller.
I have standard power module and it’s works.
Tje problem is I’m usually flying at currents less than 3 amp. In this range my power module isn’t precise enough.
Could you please recommend good enough power module for light builds?
The internal sensor of MatekF405 - wing was doing pretty good I’m looking for similar sensor but external
There are two things that effect current sensor accuracy quite a bit: how much of the range you use (the scale internally is 0 - 3.3v, so you lose precision if you have a high current sensor), and stability of the power supply (for Hall effect sensors particularly - they tend to be ratiometric, so supply fluctuations cause reading fluctuations). Having a sensor matched to your use case greatly effects accuracy. Of course, getting the calibration right is equally important
Thanks for explain…
The question is if I can use ACS712-20A wirh ardupilot.
I assume, the ACS712-20A gives 2.5v when current is zero and 5.5v when current us 30 ampers.
Is this range suitable for ardupilot?
I’m using MatekF405 std board.